Notice for Customers Using Cordless Floor Heating Remote Control Devices
Thank you for using Rinnai products.
Some of Rinnai’s cordless floor heating remote control devices (*1) (please check the below table for detailed model information) have experienced symptoms of "fast battery drain" (*2), and upon investigation, we have determined that there is an issue with the control program for the electrical board built into the products, causing the symptom described above to occur in some products.
*1: A type of cordless and removable remote control used for floor heating systems.
*2: As a rough guide, the batteries should be replaced around once a year.
Please note that there are no safety issues associated with the occurrence of these symptoms.
Due to this issue, Rinnai will replace any applicable cordless floor heating remote control devices exhibiting the above symptoms free of charge.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to customers using Rinnai products.
Affected Models and Number of Units Affected
Applicable Models | Manufacturing Dates | Manufacturer Serial Number | Number of Affected Units |
FCW-10D-□□ | August 2011 - June 2013 | 301300000001 - 301300000615 | 570 units |
FCW-W10D-□□ | April 2011 - June 2013 | 301400000001 - 301400000327 | 233 units |
* This does not apply to products manufactured before March 2011.
* This only applies to cordless floor heating remote control devices, and does not apply to cordless remote control devices for bathrooms, kitchens and extensions.
How to Identify an Affected Product

Customer Inquiries
If the above symptom occurs in an applicable product, please contact Rinnai via the toll-free number provided below.
Customer Inquiries Desk (Toll Free)