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Business Lineup

Rinnai's business areas

Rinnai develops products for various areas such as Water heaters, kitchen appliances, Air-conditioning appliances and Commercial-use equipment utilizing its cutting-edge technologies.

Water heaters Hot-water units, bath hot-water units, hot-water and heating units, gas/solar hybrid hot-water and heating system, etc.
Kitchen appliances Tabletop stoves, built-in-stoves, oven, range food, dishwashers and rice cookers, etc.
Air-conditioning appliances Fan heaters, fan-forced heaters and infrared heaters, etc.
Commercial-use equipment Grills, gas stoves and rice cookers, etc.
Others Clothes dryers, infrared burners and parts, etc.
  • Sales 430.1 billion yen
    Net income attributable to owners of the parent company 26.6 billion yen
    Number of employees 10,837
    Number of group companies 48

    Consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ended March 2024

  • Sales by appliances
  • Water heaters

    • Eco-jozu gas water heaters (Japan)
      Eco-jozu gas water heaters
    • High-efficiency gas tankless water heater(United States of America)
      High-efficiency gas tankless water heater
      (United States)
  • Kitchen appliances

    •  Gas built-in hobs(stovetops)(Japan)
      Gas built-in hobs(stovetops)
    • Gas drop-in hobs(stovetops)(Indonesia)
      Gas drop-in hobs(stovetops)
  • Air-conditioning appliances

    • Gus fan heaters(Japan)
      Gus fan heaters
    • Fanned flue heaters (United States)
      Fanned flue heaters
      (United States)
  • Commercial-use equipment / Others

    • Gas clothes dryers (Japan)
      Gas clothes dryers
    • Integrated hot water/heating system for Commerce (Australia)
      Commercial-use connected water heating systems