News Releases
Rinnai Report 2020 (Integrated Report) Published
Rinnai Corporation (Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, President: Hiroyasu Naito) published its Rinnai Report 2020 (Integrated Report) on November 25, 2020.
We published our first Environmental Report in 2000, and since 2012, we have disclosed a wide range of information on our social contribution activities as the CSR Report every year. In recent years, many stakeholders have requested that we further expand the disclosure of information, including non-financial information on ESG (environment, society, and governance) as well as our initiatives related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In addition to the non-financial information disclosed thus far, we have enhanced our value creation process by our management strategies that emphasize ESG indicators, our management strategies that depict our growth potential, and our top management policies. We renamed and published it as Rinnai Report 2020 (Integrated Report). The report introduces special features the areas we recognize as materiality themes, such as energy consumption and CO2 emissions, consumer safety and quality improvement, and corporate activities related to our customers' health.
PDF version is here.
News Release PDF
Rinnai Corporation Corporate Communication Division
Tel: +81 (52) 361-8211
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